IntroductionThe C interface to creation of the sscore_graphics for OS X and iOS Functions
sscore_graphics_createcreate a platform-independent wrapper around the OS graphics context sscore_graphics *sscore_graphics_create( CGContextRef ctx); Return Valuea platform independent sscore_graphics wrapper around the platform graphics context obtained in a UI draw call Discussionmust call sscore_graphics_dispose when complete sscore_graphics_create_from_bitmapobtain a platform-independent wrapper around the OS graphics context backed by a bitmap sscore_graphics *sscore_graphics_create_from_bitmap( int width, int height); ParametersReturn Valuea platform independent sscore_graphics wrapper around the platform graphics context backed by a bitmap Discussionmust call sscore_graphics_dispose when complete which will also dispose the bitmap sscore_graphics_native_contextaccess the platform graphics context CGContextRef sscore_graphics_native_context( const sscore_graphics *graph); ParametersReturn Valuethe iOS or OS X CGContextRef |